Monday, April 20, 2009

Farewell, Domino :(

Alas, Domino is no more. I have been subscribing since late 2006, I think, and will miss my monthly fix. I was extremely sad to receive a card in the mail saying that Domino has been discontinued, and they will be sending me some strange magazine I have no interest in instead. Not even Architectural Digest (it's sister mag) which would be great, but something totally un-design related!
As a journalism graduate training to be an interior designer, design magazines hold a special place in my heart. Domino did a great job of publishing an interesting magazine with a mix of high and low end style. One of my favourite articles was this peek inside Matthew Williamson's house. The fab chair in the corner here inspired me to find myself a similar wicker 'throne' on craigslist ($35!) which I aim to paint in vibrant colours this summer.

To all at Domino - you've been inspirational, thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Its quite funny actually, I always wanted a peacock chair, how does it look now? If you still have it?
